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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Zeal=, for_children: n"
Fully Awake and Truly Alive A masterful and down-to-earth resource on spiritual practices that bring zest to everyday life.
Enjoy Every Sandwich A 52-year-old doctor modeling how a variety of spiritual resources can help us face imminent death.
Integral Life Practice An overview of the practices and perspectives that can transform your life, promote inner work, and keep you fully alive every day.
ZENior CitiZEN A refreshing spiritual vision of the last stage of life.
Exuberance A lively and imaginative treatment of an elated state, a cousin to enthusiasm, happiness, and joy, that is rarely discussed in psychological literature.
Compass Points Memoir by this gifted naturalist, novelist, essayist and travel writer.
The Tibetan Art of Living A holistic healing tradition based on energy and dynamic balance.
The Intimate Merton An exquisite, soulful and searingly honest volume.
Watching the Tree Sheds light on the essential building blocks of Chinese culture.
A Long Way from Tipperary Memoir of a co-founder of the Jesus Seminar.